Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jana Hutter

Professor for Smart Imaging and Data Profiling

We develop novel technology and analysis methods for medical imaging to offer more bespoke and eloquent information for medical diagnosis and decision making. Combining MR physics and real-time AI allows for a more efficient, motion-robust and individual imaging. We work in close collaboration with clinicians, biologists, computer scientists and engineers – always looking for challenging questions to contribute to.

Research projects

  • Novel MR technology to use the internal motion of our organs – peristaltic motion – for diagnostic insights (peristalsis in Real-Time Human MRI to study the interwoven frequency & microstructural properties, EARTHWORM)
  • Motion-robust and self-driving MRI (MRI Examination Enhanced by Real-time Knowledge during acquisition time, MEERKAT)
  • Non-invasive image to unravel novel information on the etiology of adenomyosis (Imaging and Modeling Adenomyosis Lesions and Adjacent microenvironments, IMPALA)
  • Increasing the success rate of unsedated MRI in children (Children-Oriented Real-time MRI Acquisition, COBRA)

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